Wellness Coach, Nutritionist & Traditional Naturopath

I understand the road to being healthy and well can be difficult, especially when you feel overwhelmed, anxious, depressed or have a lack of motivation. I am passionate about nutrition and how it impacts physical and mental health, and I look at how our thoughts and behaviours can manifest due to physical issues. I enjoy helping others and love watching people become who they were meant to be...happy, healthy, thriving individuals.  


Because I have dealt with several health conditions myself, I understand that the journey to health and happiness isn't an easy one. It can be bumpy and full of highs and lows...especially when you have tried it all or feel like you are doing all the right things and nothing seems to be working. I get you

But, I want you to know... There is hope, healing & an incredible life on the other side!  

Being able to overcome and manage things like PCOS, adrenal fatigue, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, infertility, adenomyosis and migraines naturally has created a passion to help other women do the same!  

I love working with people struggling with:

  • Hormone Health
  • Thyroid Health
  • Autoimmune Conditions
  • Adrenal Health
  • Weight Management
  • Gut Health
  • Mental Health
Choose What Suits Your Needs Best
As a Wellness Coach, Nutritionist and Traditional Naturopath with Master's in Psychology and Health Studies, I 
address your wellbeing from a holistic point of view. That means I will treat you as a whole, rather than simply 
treat your symptoms. 

In doing so, I seek out the root cause of your symptoms and 
create a comprehensive picture so I can tailor a  treatment plan specific to you

Depending on your needs, saliva testing, blood tests, hair analysis and/or symptom questionnaires may be done.

Wellness Coaching
Wellness Coaching incorporates everything in my Nutrition & Traditional Naturopath services. However, it allows more time together, which enables us to work more collaboratively. 

That means we work together to achieve your health and wellness goals, rather than me simply being the expert and telling you what to do. 

Here, we get to determine your steps together to best suit your values, your time and your needs. This gives more freedom, autonomy and self-directed steps in your healing process.

Nutrition & Traditional Naturopath -
US Clients

I love talking about food...It is one of life's great pleasures! I will help you understand how your diet impacts both your physical and your mental health. We'll discuss what you are currently eating, and together make changes that support your specific needs.

We'll also discuss lifestyle, stress management, sleep and exercise to support the body's natural healing processes.

In addition we will look at supportive supplements and herbal medicine to assist the body in functioning the way that it was meant to.

Nutrition & Traditional Naturopath - 
AUS & NZ Clients

I love talking about food...It is one of life's great pleasures! I will help you understand how your diet impacts both your physical and your mental health. We'll discuss what you are currently eating, and together make changes that support your specific needs.

We'll also discuss lifestyle, stress management, sleep and exercise to support the body's natural healing processes.

In addition we will look at supportive supplements and herbal medicine to assist the body in functioning the way that it was meant to.

Iridology Assessment

An Iridology assessment can indicate the following (*this list is not exhaustive):

  • Your specific strengths and weaknesses of organs, glands and tissues
  • Which points in the body are most stressed and in need of support
  • Lymphatic system congestion
  • Nervous system weakness
  • Personality traits
  • Immune function
  • Sluggish bowel
  • Fermentative gut

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